This data set is of certified small businesses (SBF), where the ownership and control is race and gender neutral. This dataset includes businesses that are small as defined by the Office of Supplier Diversity based on a three-year average of either or both Full Time Equivalent employees (FTEs) and/or a three-year average of gross revenue. This data set is updated daily and is searchable and exportable at this link: The eligibility and size for an SBF certified business is viewable at: where you can review the application and eligibility requirements. The Office of Supplier Diversity's mission is to assist the entire supplier diversity community of minority, women, veteran, service disabled veteran, and individuals with disabilities owned businesses as well as small businesses of a unique size in competing for the provision of commodities, services, and construction to State departments, agencies, authorities, school districts, higher education institutions and all businesses. The Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) sits within the Division of Small Business (DSB), a Division of the Department of State (DOS).