This portal is part of our commitment to improving transparency by providing a guided view through the State of Delaware’s budgetary data.
This site provides a transparent look at how we appropriate public funds. The charts, graphs, and tables below are all highly interactive and we invite you to explore.
The multi-year dataset contains appropriated budgets for expense and positions effective July 1 through June 30 annually. This data reflects funding as enacted in the final operating budget acts by the Delaware General Assembly and signed by the Governor. Data provided in this portal differ from Section 1 of the Operating Budget Act, if the operating budget for that fiscal year was amended by a subsequent appropriation act (e.g. Grant-in-Aid Act).
The expense budget data contains dollar amounts by fund type: General Funds, Appropriated Special Funds, and Transportation Trust Funds. Values are listed by six-digit department code, fund type, and appropriation description. Values are shown as thousands rounded to one decimal place (for example, $1,500 would show as $1.5).
The position budget data contains full-time equivalent (FTE) counts by fund type: General Funds, Appropriated Special Funds, Non-appropriated Special Funds, and Transportation Trust Funds. Position values are listed by six-digit department code, fund type, and appropriation description.